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Personal Injury/Workers’ Compensation Care in Bend

Bend chiropractor Dr. Dan adjusting mans neckIf you’ve been injured at work or in a motor vehicle accident, you need attention right away. Ignoring your problems or trying to cope with your pain can be dangerous to your current and future health.

Some of the most common injuries we see after an accident include low back pain, extremity pain and whiplash. You might have headaches that occur further down the road. Sometimes, we see people who were in an accident decades ago who are still experiencing problems from the degeneration in their spine that set in after their injury.

We want to encourage you: don’t minimize your problems! Get the help you need at Bend Whole Health Chiropractic.


Why Urgent Care Might Get It Wrong

Emergency care facilities play a vital role in today’s health care. If you head to an urgent care facility, they are trained to look for life-threatening injuries. They may be able to diagnose whiplash in some cases, but can often overlook other issues. They also do not have the tools to take care of nerve-related pain.

Did you know that your body’s soft tissue healing cycle is constantly occurring? That means as soon as you’re injured, your body is working away to try to fix you. The problem is that the repairs that occur may not be done right; for example, scar tissue can build up. By addressing your issues right away, you have a better chance of returning your body to its normal state.

Chiropractic, Massage and Other Therapies Available

Dr. Dan is skilled in a variety of chiropractic adjusting techniques. He can use the drop table or instrument adjusting as appropriate for you. As a part of your care, he may recommend interferential current, heat therapy or cold therapy right away. Over time, you may be ready to get a massage added to your care plan, which assists with lymphatic drainage and can help with your long-term healing.

Don’t wait to give your health the attention it needs. Contact us today to book an evaluation for personal injury/workers’ compensation Bend!


Personal Injury Care Bend OR | (541) 389-1191